Business Valuation

Our Business Valuation background gives us great insight into the factors that affect the value of a particular business enterprise. This vantage point also allows us to identify value drivers and recognize value enhancement opportunities. We are also afforded an overhead view of the potential weaknesses associated with your business and chosen strategies. This ability will enable us to mitigate, as much as possible, any potential negative effect that weakness may have on the Business Value.

Value-added services:
• Identify and exploit Value Enhancement Opportunities
• Identify and mitigate potential weaknesses
• Understand financing perspectives

It is important to note that we wear two different hats when evaluating a business’s potential selling price vs. performing an actual appraisal on a business. We offer selling, or buying, and price opinions to our clients when acting as a Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor, Investment Banker or Business Broker. While acting in these capacities we are an advocate for your concerns and will passionately, and vigorously, pursue those actions considered to be in your best interest. When acting as a Business Appraiser, we are an advocate for no one, and must perform those functions with complete and total lack of bias toward any party.

We offer Business Appraisal or Business Valuation services through our parent company the Olin Group, LLC. Please click on the link and you will be redirected to that web site for a more complete description of the Business Valuation process and our professional credentials. When acting as an appraiser, we are bound by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices and the Institute of Business Appraiser’s Code of Ethics.